How the Internet Makes Selling Land Easier
July 15, 2020
6 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Land
August 8, 2020Selling land is supposed to make you money, but it can become a rather expensive venture, depending on the methods you’re using. Paying fees for auction listings, hiring real estate professionals, taking out advertising, and listing land on real estate sales websites can result in a significant cut out of your profits.
There are a few techniques to market land for sale online, though, that are free of charge. It might be worth giving these methods a try.
Sell Land Using Social Media
Using social media is one of the most obvious ways of getting the word out about your land property.
Most people are already on social media of some type, especially Twitter and Facebook, both of which can be used to promote the land you’re trying to sell. There are many other social media sites, of course, but let’s look at these two since they’re among the most popular.
It never hurts to mention you land your selling to your Facebook friends. Sure, those people may mostly consist of close friends and family, but you never know who might want what you’re selling. It could be someone you’re already friends with or a friend or a friend who stumbles across your post.
Naturally, describing the property to social media contacts would be handled in a far more casual and friendly way than a regular ad.
You could post something like, “Hey, by the way, I’m selling my land property by the lake, if anyone’s interested.” If you get a response, then follow up with more detailed descriptions of the land for sale.
Posting on Twitter can be a bit more tricky due to the word limit. Still, it can be done via a single post or thread. Don’t forget to attach a photo. Use hashtags — like #RealEstate, #VacantLot — or a US state postal code before the word “property” or “land.” For instance, use something like #TXProperty or #WYLand (Texas property, Wyoming land) to attract people seeking land in those states.
Tell the Whole Family
Many families use a group email list to stay in touch. You can use that list to mention the land you’re selling. Perhaps your immediate family knows you’re selling the farm, but what about Cousin Bill, who lives in a neighboring state and is looking for a farm?
It’s good to stay in touch, right? Email your relatives.
Get in touch, share some memories, check up on your older relatives, and far later, in the conversation, casually mention your land for sale. This can also work for telephone calls with relatives who aren’t online.
Don’t be a pest about your sales, though, especially with your friends and family. Never clobber anyone over the head with a sales pitch.
Join a Real Estate Club
Speaking of email groups, most people also receive online newsletters or group emails from their clubs, lodges, hobbies, temples, churches, charitable groups, and other social ties. After all, it’s not just families staying in touch via group emails these days, but soccer clubs, fraternities, quilting groups, and everyone else on the planet.
Again, you could mention your land property briefly in reply to a group email, or post a notice about it on a group newsletter. The advantage of club newsletters is that some of them are both posted on websites and distributed via email, so you get double exposure.
Do ask the manager of your group’s newsletter first if you can mention the land you’re selling. Some may try to sell you an ad, but they might also pleasantly surprise you by running a notice about it for free.
Fact: People like doing business with those they already know and trust. If you’re a member of a group, then you’ve already got an inside advantage.
Free Quote? Yes, Please!
If you’re hoping to sell your land in the quickest, easiest way possible, there are online land buyers who can give you a fast, free quote. They’ll tell you, for free, what they’re willing to pay for your property.
This, in itself, is far easier than trying to auction your land or listing it with a real estate broker.
And it gets better.
Some of these sites will also handle all the fees, so you’re not stuck with any closing costs or hassles. It’s easy enough: Get the quote, accept or reject it, and move on–all at no cost to you as a seller.
Sell Land on Craigslist
Craigslist is an oldie, but a goodie. The site processes an astonishing number of real estate ads, including ones taken out for free. This includes ads for land for sale by owners (FSBO).
Make your listing as detailed as possible, and use plenty of photos. Be prepared to answer questions from potential buyers, including those who may try to haggle with you over the price. If your asking price is non-negotiable, state that upfront.
Be clear about who’s paying fees. Any time land changes hands, there are document and transfer fees associated. You don’t want any unpleasant surprises at the closing of the deal, so make it clear who will be paying the closing costs. List the amount of the fees involved, and have a very clear notice about the buyer paying those fees.
There are several ways to get out the word about your land sales. Fortunately, some are free. So, do talk to your family, neighbors, and fellow club members. Conduct online searches for free bulletin boards, classified ads, and more. You can also get free offers for your land online. With a little effort, you might be able to get your land buyer to come to you without having to pay a dime.