How To Time The Sale Of Your Land in 3 Easy Steps
July 1, 2020
Ways to Market Land Online for Free
July 20, 2020Selling Land Online – How the Internet Makes Selling Land Easier
The advancement of technology, namely the Internet, has made everything from dating to grocery shopping to planning your perfect family vacation a lot simpler. The same level of convenience can be applied to selling land.
In this article, we will show you how you can list your land property online, get the price you want, and close the deal in four easy steps. It’s easy to sell your land on the Internet, and you will save time and money in the long run.
Why It’s Easier To Sell Land Online?
Before technology became so accessible, the process of finding potential buyers for vacant land was especially challenging. Unlike properties that have 1,800 square feet, three-bedrooms, and two-baths, on a corner lot in a desirable school district, vacant land is just that: vacant.
The process of advertising land through mail, newspapers, and word-of-mouth left many properties on the market for months, if not years. Of course, there was always the odd chance that a next-door neighbor or a relative might want to purchase your property, but it’s hard to know.
Today, all you have to do is place a listing online and reach millions of potential buyers with the click of a mouse. Sounds relatively easy, right? In a way, it is that simple, but reaching potential buyers can be a little more challenging because not everyone who sees your listing is a potential buyer? Targeted ads placed online will not only reach millions of potential buyers, but the trick is making sure you get your listing in front of the right buyers.
So how does it work?
Writing An Ad That Highlights Key Features
Whether you are working with a real estate professional or trying to sell land on your own, writing an online ad highlighting your property’s unique features is key to luring in the right buyers.
A few questions to ask when writing up the listing for your property are:
- Why would I want to buy this property?
- Is it near a popular destination?
- Is it in the city? On a mountain?
- Is it on the coast?
- Does the land already have improvements on it?
If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions or something similar, then it is what you want to emphasize in your listing.
Another great idea when writing an online ad is inserting short statements like “close to the beach” and “close to parks and recreation” and “water and power onsite.” Anything that highlights the key features of your land is what you want to include.
Now that you’ve written a descriptive ad, how do you use it online to reach those potential buyers mentioned earlier?
Hiring A Land Specialist
If you are selling land without using the help of a real estate professional, then there are several places where you can list your property. Some of the sites include:
- Craigslist
- eBay
- local Facebook groups and other similar free social media sites.
When listing on sites like these, you often get what you paid for: no money spent equals zero property sold.
We’re not suggesting this is true on every occasion, but most by-owner land sellers spend time and resources searching for buyers in the wrong places. That’s where a land specialist or real estate agent can step in and place your ad where buyers and investors are looking for the type of property you have for sale.
It’s the same scenario when purchasing a new vehicle. If you want to buy a new car, you’re probably going to be more successful if you search for car dealerships than search in a flower shop. Land investors look for properties online on sites that are specifically dedicated to selling land.
Some real estate websites are geared more toward the homebuyer and not for the prospective land buyer. When you sign a contract with a real estate professional, that contract usually consists of an agreed-upon commission, an exclusive listing for a set amount of time, and a fair market price.
The Internet makes selling land easier, but unless you know how to market a land property online, you may be wasting your time. Selling to a professional land buyer saves you time and money, but it can also make the whole process go a lot smoother and get you to the closing table faster.