How to Sell Vacant Land
May 12, 2016
How to Sell My Lot – Overview of Land Sales
May 20, 2016How to Sell Your Land Property Online
Do you have a raw or vacant land property for sale? Do you want to learn the best way and place to sell your land online? In this day and age when you decide it’s time to sell your land in California, Texas, Washington, Oregon, or out of state, you don’t have to go very far to begin attempting to market and sell your land. There are a number of options available to you and a number of different ways you can go about doing so. Learn where to sell your land by reading this guide.
You may be wondering about the best way to sell land property online. The good news is in the age of being able to accomplish just about anything on the internet, you can even sell land online too.
Best Website to Sell Your Land Fast Online
Where’s the best website to sell your land property online? Traditionally when people decided to sell a raw or vacant land property they would grab the yellow pages and look up a local real estate agent, pick up the phone, and make a call. While this still may be an option available to you, listing a land property has gotten much easier with the internet, and there are a number of resources that are only a click away.
Whether you decide to list the property with a broker or try to sell the land yourself, finding information on how to list and market your property usually starts with a search online. Let’s take a look at some of the best resources and websites that exist for selling land online.
Finding Local Real Estate Agents to List Your Land
By searching for Real Estate agents in the area where your property is located you can usually find multiple agents who service that area.
The first step is to begin contacting these agents and getting a feel for who would be the best fit. By calling or emailing a number of agents you can see who is quick to respond and seems to be on top of their game.
You’ll want to find an agent who has experience with selling land in the area, and you will ideally want to find an agent who has sold a similar property recently. A broker who knows the area well should be able to give you an idea of what you should list the property for.
Land can be difficult to price and comp so finding someone who really knows and deals with land properties specifically is important. One of the biggest determining factors is going to be how fast you need to sell the property.
Finding a buyer for your land property can be a slow process as there isn’t as big of a market for land as there is for homes and financing options are limited.
You may find that many realtors are often more focused on selling homes as they offer larger commissions, and may not be willing to show the property if it is isolated and rural, or spend the time and resources needed to get the exposure it will take to sell the property.
If you find this to be the case, or think you’d be better off trying to sell the property on your own there are a number of options available for selling land on your own.
Best Way To Sell Land By Owner
If you’re looking to sell your raw or vacant land without a broker there are a number of options that exist for you. Here is a list of some resources for selling your land by owner.
Listing Your Property on a Land Selling Site
There are a number of land-selling sites where you could list your land property on your own. These sites may be the best option for you to sell your land online as they focus specifically on land properties and bring traffic from online property buyers who want to buy land.
These land-selling sites will require that you create an account and create a listing on your own. This will typically require you to build a listing.
You’ll need to get all the information on the property in order, such as exact location, exact acreage, information on utilities, road access, etc. You then need to write a description and title for the property and get some pictures and maps of the property to make your land property listing as attractive as possible.
Where to Sell Your Land Property Online
The listing sites that get the most traffic typically have a charge to list your raw or vacant land property, which may be monthly, yearly, or a one-time fee. There may be additional options that you can pay for such as featuring your listing or other upgrades to gain more exposure.
Below is a list of some of the main land listing sites, which offer the most traffic, but that you will have to pay for.
Gets the most traffic. Memberships are $34.99 to $99 a month to list your property.
Land and Farm
Another well know land listing site. Memberships are $24.95 to $49.95
Lands of America
One of the top 3 land listing sites. Memberships to list are $33 to $83 per month.
Sell Your Raw or Vacant Land Online for Free
If you are not looking to spend any money listing your land for sale, there are some free options for selling your land online as well, the biggest and most well know being Craigslist.
There are a number of real estate listings on Craigslist and it may be a good option for selling your land. Other sites would include backpage.com, classifiedads.com, and the like.
While these sites are free they don’t always produce qualified online property buyers and you may find yourself answering a lot of questions about what can be done with the property as well as receiving lowball offers or offers from people that don’t follow through.
Best Way To Sell Your Land Property to Buyers
If you search for ‘how to sell your land online’ you may find that there are some sites that market themselves as ‘land buyers’. These sites vary in the types of real estate properties that they buy, and the prices that they will pay for your raw or vacant land property.
Selling to a ‘land buyer’ may not yield you the most money for your property, as most are wholesale property buyers, however, can provide a quick hassle-free closing.
If selling and marketing your land has proven to be more of a hassle than you expected or if you have a land property that has been sitting on the market for a while, selling to an online land buyer may be your best option for selling your land online.
If you’re interested in receiving a free, no-obligation, cash offer on your land property for sale, you can fill out our basic “sell my land” form here. We purchase land properties all over the United States and can offer you cash for your land.