10 Best Tips for Selling Land Successfully
June 9, 2020
4 Tips On How To Market Vacant Land To Investors
June 24, 2020Are you wanting to sell your land, but are concerned about staying safe these days?
During a time of a worldwide pandemic, it may seem that selling any type of real estate could be both difficult and, additionally, hazardous to your health.
Observing a few precautions might enable you to sell your land and stay healthy at the same time.
Wear a Mask when Showing Land in Person
If the sale absolutely depends upon having to deal with others in person, then treat your clients with respect. If someone comes out to view your property, show them some basic courtesy by wearing a COVID-19 mask.Never act as though you don’t care about other people’s health, especially when those same people are considering purchasing something from you.
If you refuse to wear a mask or observe social distancing, don’t be surprised if some buyers won’t do business with you. A fundamental part of selling land is making your buyer feel comfortable with all aspects of the transaction. If they ask you to wear a mask, do it.
Better still, do it before they have to ask. If you can’t spend the few seconds it takes to slip on a mask, don’t blame them if they choose not to proceed further.
There are plenty of real estate salespeople and private landowners out there who are willing to wear masks and take reasonable precautions.
Taking the proper precautions will help make sure you don’t unnecessarily drive away a worried buyer.
Spray It Down, Keep it Clean
If you’re showing a property that has a building on it, you might want to spray down surfaces, such as countertops, with disinfectant before your guests arrive. Always spray before showing the property to others. It helps cut down on infectious organisms and makes the place look more presentable.
Wearing gloves is an extra precaution you can take if you’re planning to pick up or touch objects while showing clients the various features of a building.
Be sure to practice social distancing. Selling land calls for sales skills, but it doesn’t call for getting up in anyone’s face. Speak loudly and clearly so that you can be heard through a mask from a short distance away.
It’s not always easy to hear or understand someone when they speak through a mask. Avoid a lack of communication by speaking loudly and clearly. Acknowledge the fact and ask your buyer, if they have any questions or need you to repeat anything that wasn’t clear.
Sell Your Land Online
While wearing masks and social distancing is helpful, it’s even more beneficial to stay away from others altogether when you can.
How many people you deal with in person during the course of a sale will depend significantly upon the method you’re using. If you’re working with a real estate agent, holding a live auction, or bringing people over to your property for in-person viewings, you want to take the proper precautions.
However, if you decide to sell your land online, the good news is that you don’t have to deal with anybody at all–at least not in person.
Real estate transactions are conducted every day online without buyers being required (or expected) to come out and see the property for themselves personally. In many cases, land properties are sold sight unseen.
This is particularly true in the case of land that has been inherited and hasn’t been visited by the seller in years. In some cases, the land may be located a thousand miles away, and the seller hasn’t ever ventured out to see it personally.
Whether you decide to run ads online, sell via online auction or deal with a land website that will offer cash for your land, these are ideal options for making a sale while avoiding the spread of COVID-19.
In most cases, online land buyers don’t expect to view the property personally. Sure, you’ll need to provide plenty of photos of the land and video when possible, the parcel number, specific location, and other relevant details. Still, it’s not a requirement that you have to show the property in person.
There’s nothing safer and convenient than selling land from the comfort and safety of your own home.
Stay Safe Financially
Whether selling online or person-to-person, it’s essential to be sure that you’re dealing with reputable people or companies. Your financial safety depends upon it. You don’t want to get burned on a land sale.
If you’re dealing with a land purchasing website, check out their testimonials, reviews, and reputation. Are the members of the Better Business Bureau or other organizations? Don’t be afraid to check the backgrounds of people or businesses.
If you’re looking for hassle-free property sales, find a company online that offers fast quotes on your land, while also handling all of the closing costs. It’s easy, and you don’t have to deal with anyone in person.
Get Used to the “New Normal”
When selling land, or anything else, get used to taking precautions and doing business in new ways.
Even long-standing social customs are changing due to COVID-19. For instance, when making a sale in person, it’s common to “seal the deal” with a handshake. By now, though, people are using elbow bumps and other gestures to replace traditional handshakes.
The world is simply different than it used to be for the time being.
Things change, and when they do, intelligent people (and companies) will rapidly adapt to new situations and practices. The ability to sense changes and trends, and quickly react to them, is a primary skillset for anyone involved in sales, whether it’s a one-time deal or a lifetime of transactions.